Intel: Reds Acquires Firearms Thru Partylist Congressman

APF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Carlito Banayo on Monday, said that the military intelligence has acquired substantial information about a certain party-list congressman in the Visayas who procure high-powered firearms in behalf of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).

“Our intel is closely following a former army Col. who is now a party-list representative in the Visayas. We cannot reveal the information about the certain congressman and the party he belongs, but our sources said that this person has already procured at least 2,000 assault rifles for the rebel group in the past three years”, Banayo said.

The army officer also added that the certain congressman is a retired army Col. Who had been charged with collaborating the rebels in the past but was acquitted before he retired.

Banayo also added that the AFP under Pres. Rodrigo Duterte is serious in cracking down the enemy of the state, and disabling NPA sources is one of their main goals in order to paralyze its operation. /Joy Balagosa/
