Domino Effect: Seven Countries Leaving ICC Following Duterte’s Call

More than 2 weeks following Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s call on other member states to leave the International Criminal Court, at least seven other member countries said they are going to heed Mr. Duterte’s call.

The first and only country from Middle East to decide was Afghanistan.

Afghan Minister of Foreign Affairs Salahuddin Rabban said the ICC has zero achievement in his country despite decades of turmoil.

Brazil echoed the same sentiment and reasoned that although US is not a member state, the ICC always favor the Western power.

As expected, five African countries in Congo, Benin, Senegal, Namibia, and Nigeria said the ICC helped nothing to ease the war-torn Central Africa while continue to receive funds from member states.

Duterte earlier called on countries that ratified the Rome Statute to follow his example and withdraw from the treaty as he stressed that the International Criminal Court would not have jurisdiction over him.

Duterte claimed that the Rome Statute, which established the ICC, was sponsored by the European Union because the bloc is making up for its "past sins." He said the EU, which has expressed concerns over the deaths tied to his brutal war on illegal drugs, stole the oil of the Arabs and sowed division in the Middle East.



  1. As l have predicted more state members of the ICC are going to follow Pres. Duterte's withdrawal. ICC did nothing but to "harras" and threat its member state like the Philippines. They have done nothing good nor contributory to the member country and yet millions of dollars are being paid to it by its member. The Philippines alone is giving ICC P25 millions every year. Now they are begging to talk with Pres. Duterte to withhold the plan of leaving the Roman Statute. If ICC did not become too biased in listening and siding with the corrupt political enemies of Duterte and were convinced by the oppositions fake media allies, Duterte might have had the second thought of withdrawing its membership. But now the dye is cast and what has been done can no longer be undone, so be it with the President's decision. Goodbye ICC.

  2. The ICC put themselves in a hot situation when they decided of mendling the affair of the Philippines and proved to the world that they are for those corrupt group of politicians. What they forgot was that, that Filipinos elected President Duterte with his flatform and trusted them to rule the country. But, the ICC had chosen to disrespect the highly elected President without realizing that in doing so, they were directly and indirectly disrespecting the citizens of the country who voted for him.
    They're now being toasted with their own oil and fats..My question is this: What does ICC did to the world anyways, so far? I only know one thing. Brutally caused chaeos to the countries, whom the leaders they didn't want, and made the people starve to death, go homeless and killed through cannons, bombs and guns.
    Please tell me I'm wrong...

  3. I beg all member States of Goodwill to heed PH President Duterte's call and LEAVE ICC. Duterte is wise and smart student of World History who genuinely cares on the small and the weak.
    pH was raped by it's European colonizer and knew why Europe (who finance 60% of ICC) wanted it's former colonies to stay as ICC member States. TO CONTROL their former colonies and dictate on ICC proceedings dispelling past European sins.


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